Annatto Leaf - Bixa Orellana L.
Annatto Leaf - Bixa Orellana L.

Annatto Leaf - Bixa Orellana L.

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Lower cholesterol fast with Annatto Tea!

Annatto Seeds/Leaf - Bixa Orellana L.

Origin: Brazil

Used part: Seeds, Leaf


Annatto, also known as Urucum, is scientifically called Bixa orellana. He belongs to the family of bixáceas. Elsewhere in the world, annatto gets other names. In countries whose Spanish is the official language, it is called achiote, bijol, chiote or onoto. In English it is achiote or annatto. In France, you will find the Urucum by rock, in Germany the name of it is orleansstrauch.

Its origin is Central America and its bush can reach up to six meters in height. The other characteristics of the plant are: large leaves and pink flowers. The highlight is for the fruit in the form of capsules with soft spines. The annatto turns dark red when it is ripe, and in a few days, it opens and shows the numerous very small seeds that remain inside the capsule.

Health benefits:

The annatto carotenoid in their composition include calcium, phosphorus, iron, amino acids, vitamins beyond the complexes A, B and C. The seed and leaves contain diuretic, antibacterial and astringent properties.

Problems like hypertension and cardiovascular disease are consequences of poor self-rate of cholesterol in the body. To address this problem, annatto tea can be a very effective solution. This is possible thanks to the presence of tocotrienois, substance that limits the capacity of the liver to produce LDL cholesterol, avoiding the appearance of serious health problems. The fibers, which are also found in large amounts in urucum also play the role of controlling cholesterol.

It is still possible to identify in urucum substances such as cyanidin, ellagic and salicylic acids, saponins and tannins, which are phytochemicals that aid in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. The seeds are used to cure jaundice and help tone, balance, strengthen and reduce inflammation in the liver. Another advantage of the plant is linked to the strengthening of the kidneys and the extermination of certain types of worms.

Urucum is also quite effective when it comes to the digestive system. It relieves constipation, indigestion, heartburn and other stomach discomforts caused by eating spicy foods. The plant is also used as an aphrodisiac, to combat fevers, hepatitis, malaria, dysentery and venomous snake bites.

Good Herbal Remedy:

  • Serves as an expectorant
  • Heart diseases
  • Constipation
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Remove blemishes
  • Warts
  • Rejuvenates
  • Serves as insect repellent


  1. Put 1 tablespoon of seed soup or leaves to a quart of water
  2. Turn off when the water reaches boil
  3. Cover and leave the solution muffled for about 10 minutes
  4. Strain and drink

How to Drink:

Take 2 to 3 cups a day.


Among pregnant women, annatto tea should be prescribed by a doctor. This same professional will also need to oversee the use to minimize the risks of whatever the problem. The same should be done if the woman is breastfeeding. Even if it is a natural ingredient, your baby's health may be being put at risk by over-the-counter use. If the patient undergoes any surgery, urucum tea should be avoided. The plant causes the blood sugar level to be affected. This should only be ignored with medical advice.