Basil Leaf - Ocimum basilicum L.
Basil Leaf - Ocimum basilicum L.

Basil Leaf - Ocimum basilicum L.

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Relieve Stress and Prevent Memory Loss with delicious Basil

Basil Leaf - Ocimum basilicum L.

Origin: Brazil

Used part: Seed


Basil plants come in a range of variety and sizes, but holy basil is the most researched type of basil thus far. Holy basil is the species of basil most known for its powerful healing qualities. To date, at least six different essential oils have been identified in holy basil within its seeds, roots, leaves and stem. Holy basil, which has the scientific name Ocimum sanctum L. or Ocimum tenuiflorum L., is known to be an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and powerful adaptogen — meaning it helps the body to respond to stress and fight disease.

Health benefits:

A good metabolic rate is essential to keep the body lean and healthy. Basil is a good source of manganese, which helps the body release enzymes that are beneficial in metabolizing amino acids, cholesterol and carbohydrates. It also helps metabolize vitamins that are glucose related. It is found to be full of antioxidants. Free radical damage to both the skin and the brain can be a major player in looking and feeling old. The antioxidants in the herb will help reduce the effects of free radical cells and prevent the body and mind from enduring oxidative stress.

Cognitive decline has become a rampant problem for the elderly today. However, there have been studies that show that basil consumption is very helpful in preventing cognitive degradation. Basil contains minerals such as manganese, which is observed to increase the electronic transmitter activity in the brain. This activity is associated with mental reflexes. The herb also contains copper, which can help stimulate the mind – enhancing its functionality. Arthritis is a painful disease that often leads to physical disability. Basil has been found to contain beta-caryophyllene, as well. These are associated with effective pain-management. They are also anti-inflammatory chemicals helping soothe the burning sensation in your joints caused by arthritis.

Basil contains compounds such as adaptogens. These are compounds that help the body deal with both emotional and physical stress. Basil consumption will help the body maintain a balanced functionality even during stressful events. Ocimum Sanctum or holy basil helps reduce hormone levels as well as the corticosterone levels in the body. That time of the month can be exceptionally painful for at least 3 out of 4 women. Experiencing cramps, depression and fatigue is a of post menstrual syndrome. However, the manganese present in basil helps relieve these symptoms by balancing your hormones. This in turn helps reduce stress and fatigue.

Good Herbal Remedy:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Cancer-fighter
  • Pain-reducer (analgesic)
  • Fever-reducer (antipyretic)
  • Diabetes-preventer
  • Liver-protector (hepatoprotective)
  • Blood vessel-protector
  • Anti-stress solution
  • Immune-booster


Basil gives zest to tomato dishes, salads, zucchini, eggplant, meat seasonings, stuffing, soups, sauces and more. Pesto is one of basil’s most popular uses. It’s typically made from crushed basil, garlic, parmesan cheese, olive oil and pine nuts, though dairy-free options are also available. Try it as a dip or sandwich spread. Basil complements other herbs and spices such as garlic, marjoram, mustard, oregano, paprika, parsley, pepper, rosemary and sage.


Basil is generally safe when consumed in small amounts, but a few precautions are warranted.

Basil leaves are high in vitamin K, which helps blood clot. High intakes could interfere with blood-thinning drugs, such as warfarin. If you’re taking a blood thinner, aim to consume consistent amounts of vitamin K daily so that your doctor can regulate your medication. Eating foods made with a lot of basil — such as pesto — could make this difficult. In contrast, basil extracts — such as those found in supplements — can thin your blood, leading to problems if you have a bleeding disorder or an upcoming surgery.

Additionally, people taking blood pressure-lowering drugs or diabetes drugs should use caution with basil supplements since they may lower blood pressure and blood sugar. Your doctor may need to decrease your drug dose. Avoid holy basil if you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Animal studies suggest that holy basil supplements may negatively affect sperm and trigger contractions in pregnancy. Risks during breastfeeding are unknown.