Cipo Cravo - Tynnanthus Fasciculatus
Cipo Cravo - Tynnanthus Fasciculatus

Cipo Cravo - Tynnanthus Fasciculatus

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Enjoy the aphrodisiac effect and other health benefits of Cipo Cravo

Cipo Cravo - Tynnanthus Fasciculatus

Origin: Brazil

Used part: Stem


Scientific name Tynnanthus fasciculatus, the cipó Cravo (clove) comes from Brazil, more specifically from the Atlantic Forest, but also inhabits the forests of the states of Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. The plant belongs to the family of Bignoniaceaeand is popularly known as Trinity vine. The name of clove was given because of the scent that is very similar to that of the clove of the jewish, present in this plant that is a voluble creeper, without tendrils and spontaneous. Its stem is cylindrical and has a reddish-brown color. Very grooved and aromatic, the stem has opposite leaves and the plant prefers dry, airy, shaded soils that are rich in organic matter to grow. If you plan to plant, plant 2 m in 2 m, or plant it as a climbing tree. The roots can be harvested in the fall and the part used for medicinal purposes is its stem.

Health benefits:

The plant can be used for medicinal purposes, as it has analgesic, antirheumatic, digestive, stimulant, fortifying and aphrodisiac properties. It is indicated for the treatment of impotence caused by genital weakness, gas, stomach problems and diarrhea. Among the active principles of the plant, we find alkaloids, essential oils, tinanthin, eugenol, tannins and tannic acid.

Good Herbal Remedy:

  • Relieve heartburn
  • Diarrhea
  • Poor digestion, gas, gastritis symptoms and other stomach problems
  • Excellent analgesic
  • Aphrodisiac effect and stimulant in both men and women


  1. Add 2 tablespoons of the herb in a liter of water
  2. Let it cook for 5 minutes after it reaches boil
  3. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes
  4. Strain and drink

How to drink:

Take 2 to 3 cups a day.


Attention always consume in the indicated doses and always consult a doctor before consuming any medicines, even if natural. Pregnant women and patients taking continuous medications, as well as children, should not consume clover leaf tea.